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August 17 - 18, 2019
Minneapolis, MN

We’re trying something new to help treat Tourette Syndrome! 

In August 2019, we got together a diverse group of folks, including healthcare professionals, researchers, and, most importantly, people with TS and their families to plot the course for the next generation of research on behavioral treatments for TS. 


The two-day conference brought together a diverse group of individuals to learn more about what people think of behavior therapy, or more specifically, CBIT. We discussed what people think of CBIT in its current forms, including to what extent people see a need for this type of intervention, and what gets in the way of people using CBIT. Based on your input, we will build a plan for research designed to create wide-reaching access to effective behavior therapy.  


As a result of this Summit, we've produced a research agenda for the next generation of behavioral interventions for Tourette and Tic Disorders. Click here for a a summary of the Summit and to share your thoughts.


Treating Tourette Together (TTT)  Diversity and Inclusion Principles


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